An angled shot of the UCS lobby
UCS/Anthony Eyring



Table of Contents


Who we are


Our mission当前位置忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟提出了严格的建议, independent science into action, developing solutions and advocating for a healthy, safe, and just future.

Today, we are a group of nearly 250 scientists, analysts, policy experts, organizers, and communicators dedicated to that purpose.

What we care about

我们的创始人知道617888九五至尊娱乐和基于证据的决策对于解决人类面临的许多最大挑战至关重要. 为了取得进展,我们需要面对往往令人生畏的困难而坚持不懈地517888九五至尊娱乐. That's just what we’ve done.

How we work


  • Analyze. Our experts undertake rigorous, independent research, 分析紧迫的问题,制定创新的解决方案,优先考虑人类健康, and are both equitable and cost effective.
  • Expose. When special interests release bogus studies, corporations sow doubt about science, or political operatives censor, manipulate, or undermine government science, 加州大学洛杉矶分校是为了向公众澄清事实, the news media, and our elected officials.
  • Advocate. 我们经验丰富的研究人员与媒体沟通, to the public, 并直接传达给国家的关键决策者, state, and local levels, 倡导公共政策和企业实践的变革.
  • Activate. We mobilize our 500,000名支持者要求做出具体的改变,从而建立更健康的社区, sustainable environment, and a safer world. We also know the best way to achieve positive, 持久的改变是与带来不同才能的盟友一起517888九五至尊娱乐, knowledge, and experience to an issue. 这就是为什么我们目前向超过1个国家提供技术专长和宣传知识,500 local and national organizations.

Our funding

我们完全由个人和独立基金会资助. 为了保护我们的独立性,我们不接受公司或政府的资助. 我们的支持者包括重视理性的普通人, evidence-based decision making, as well as some of the nation’s top scientists.

We also:

  • Partner with hundreds of other organizations,
  • Mobilize 23,000 Science Network members,
  • Tap the strength of 500,000 activists,
  • 扩大我们的影响,感谢超过109,000名承诺的捐助者.


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